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      What is cannabidiol?

      CBD is a non-psychoactive cannabinoid derived from hemp.

      What are cannabinoids?

      Cannabinoids are complex chemical compounds that exhibit their own beneficial properties throughout the mind and body. Cannabinoids are secreted by the cannabis plant.

      What is our ECS?

      Short for endocannabinoid system. It is made up of a network of biochemical receptors within the brain and body that regulate mood, pain, metabolism, sleep and other physiological issues. ECS are found in nearly all vertebrate animals.

      Do you third party test your products?

      Yes, we want you to be able to purchase with the confidence of knowing exactly what you’re getting.


      We cannot advise on your personal dosage – everyone is different and it’s up to you to determine what feels right. Projectcbd.org is a great reference for more in-depth dosage suggestions.

      Isolate/CBD only vs Full Spectrum?

      Our 99%+ pure CBD isolate is pure CBD, that's it. Our full spectrum products contain multiple cannabinoids and phytocannabinoids including tetrahydrocannabiol (THC).

      What is the Entourage Effect?

      This occurs when cannabinoids such as cannabidiol and tetrahydrocannabiol come together. CBD enhances the painkilling and anti-cancer properties of THC. Even in small amounts, they work better together. All cannabinoids work best when together!

      Drug interactions?

      CBD is known to interact with some blood thinners, we always suggest doing your own research and consulting a medical professional that you trust. Here’s a link to projectCBD.org another great reference outlining CBD research.

      Source of our hemp?

      Our CBD-rich hemp plants are grown outdoors in natural Colorado sunlight, we are certified to be in full compliance as defined by the Colorado State Department of Agriculture.

      Are your products pet safe?

      Not only is CBD safe for humans but it is also safe for use with animals. Mammals, fish and mollusks have endocannabinoid systems which are activated during stress, anxiety, pain, etc. The effect of CBD on physical processes is indirect and generally focuses on improving the body as a whole unit. It lends focus where needed.

      Can I vape your tincture?

      We would not suggest vaping our tincture. We offer a “vape juice” you’ll enjoy much better.

      Can your products be shipped?

      Yes, we ship to all 50 states.

      Will I pass a drug test?

      Unfortunately we are unable to advise you on this topic.